

A note to the reader:

I’ve decide to start this blog as way to help me as I venture to a place I never thought I’d be headed.  Hopefully the posts that follow will not only help me as I go through the depths of hell of battling and defeating Cancer, but may serve as inspiration for those who have to face this adversity one day themselves.


I figure I’ll start this by telling you a little about myself.  Keep in mind I’m typically not a person who likes to share his feelings with many people.   I tend to internalize most issues and never want to be a burden on those around me.  I’m the emotionally strong one who others come to and I’m able to be a steadying influence.  I know as I go forward over the next weeks that I’ll need to truly rely on my support system.

My name is Jimmie, yes, Jimmie.  Not James and yes it’s spelled with an ie.  My mother named me after her brother who died way too young in an electrical accident.  They were very close so that’s why she named me after him.

I’m 41 years old, married with 2 beautiful daughters.   My wife, Jennifer, is my best friend in the world and every moment we’ve been together has been a blessing.  My daughters names are Maddie and Bella.  Maddie is the oldest at 14 and Bella is 4.  Maddie is very artistic, loves to draw, loves to read, but her true favorite thing seems to be movies.  The Harry Potter series, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, etc.  Thankfully, I love all of those as well.  It’s our way to bond.  She’s also gotten me into the TV show: Supernatural. I never thought I’d watch that series but now I can’t get enough.  Bella is 4 and her personality is so much like her moms.  She loves to sing, dance, and the girl is always talking.  It amazes me every time I hear her speak.  It sounds like she’s 24 not 4.  Her command of English is outstanding.  I love my family so much.

Sorry for the tangent off to my family, back to me.  Once again, 41 year old male.  I’ve never been truly sick or even injured in my life.  I eat well, exercise for the most part, I don’t smoke, and I only have a few drinks on weekly basis.  My family does not have history of cancer.  So if you’re me, you never think about Cancer.  It won’t happen to me.  WRONG!

I’ll plan to write journal style for this blog and my plan is to list the dates and talk about what happened and how I was feeling each day along this path.  My goal is to try to write a passage or two each and everyday during the Chemotherapy as well as provide some insights to my thoughts on some of the days leading up to the start of Chemotherapy.  I’m not sure I’ll have the strength but I will make an effort.  I invite you to read further.  Feel free to leave messages and ask questions as well.  Can’t guarantee I’ll be able to answer all of them but I will read them.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and I hope you’ll come back soon.
