Time to Act

May 6, 2016

It’s almost time to finally find out what’s going on with my body.  Today is the day I’ll know for sure.  At least that’s what I’m hoping for from today’s outcome.  My appointment is at 8:40 am and of course I’m very anxious.  I rush my wife out of the house and we arrive 15 minutes early. Well all that rushing was for naught.  We end up waiting (waiting, it’s becoming a theme) and we finally get called back to the exam room.  I’m trying to be light-hearted and joking a bit with Jennifer.  She seems to be more apprehensive then the night before.  Doctor Jones walks in the door and my heart seems to stop and time feels like it might be slowing down a bit.  Dr. Jones doesn’t waste any time now.  So much for waiting.  He comes out and says the ultrasound shows a tumor and he’s got me scheduled for surgery to remove my right testicle for the following Monday afternoon.  No, asking if that works for us.  At this point he believes it’s a really good chance it is cancer but he hasn’t received the blood test results yet.   Once again, not a true definitive answer around the cancer question.  His first question is do I want a prosthetic testicle.  The question catches me off guard as I hadn’t really thought on that one.  Jennifer says yes.  Guess she wanted me to be whole.  Ha.  I agree and was thankful Jennifer spoke up.  Dr. Jones tells us someone from the surgical center will get in touch with me to give me all the pre-surgery directions I’d need for the procedure on Monday.  Damn, Monday.  That’s only a couple of days away.  All that I could think of at this point is, “Shit, I’ve got a lot of arrangements I need to get done today”.

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