Thank God for Karaoke

May 29, 2016: 

“Thank God for Karaoke?”  I know what you’re thinking, “Why in the world would anyone say Thank God for Karaoke?” Let alone use it as a title for a posting.  I’ll make a tiny promise to you.  By the time you finish reading this story you’ll understand why Karaoke means so much to me.  So please indulge me a bit as I talk about something not specifically related to related to my cancer.

For most people Karaoke is simply something a group of friends or acquaintances might do on a random Saturday or Sunday evening while out having a few adult beverages.  People may actually sing better than you expect while others sound like howling banshee.  I know it can be tough on the crowd at times but it’s what makes the Karaoke experience fun.  Yes I do sing.  90% of the time I stick in my lane and sing something from the Country AND Western genre.  Other times my 90’s hairband style makes an appearance. In the Karaoke world I’m about average.  (In my mind I’m George Strait HA!)  Now, every once in a while you’ll hear someone who captivates and stuns the entire audience.  You know this is happening because the usually loud barroom instantly goes silent as everyone pays attention to the performer on stage.  I’ve seen it happen a few times in my Karaoke adventures.  Never for me, but who really wants that type of adoration.

Me peaking up at the words even though I didn't need them for this song

Me peaking up at the words even though I didn’t need them for this song

It’s May of 2006 and I had just been given a chance to host my very own Karaoke show for the best Karaoke company in Austin, TX.  Diamond Karaoke owned by my friend Brian Busch.  Diamond Karaoke has every song you could ever hope to sing.  I’d go as far as saying I’d by you a beer if he didn’t have a particular song you wanted to sing.  Brian is also a master sound guy for a number of bands in and around Austin so he understands how to make people sound good.  He takes the same pride in his Karaoke sound systems so not only does Diamond Karaoke have one of the largest song lists available but you’ll never sound better on stage.  Ok, enough of plug for Brian and his company.  Back in those days I had become a little bit of a Karaoke bar fly and for some reason Brian had befriended me.  That friendship ultimately led me to what would become my best adventure in life.

Diamond Karaoke had been asked to provide Karaoke at the old El Arroyo restaurant in Round Rock on Friday nights.  Brian in his infinite wisdom had asked me to host for him and I of course said yes.  It’s my first Friday night hosting the show for Brian.  I had substituted a few times at other venues in town but this was my first show where I’d be the regular “KJ”.  This being the first night Brian had come out to help me get everything set up and make sure it all went smoothly.  I told you before Brian cares about each and every show Diamond Karaoke puts on no matter the size of the venue.  I admit I was a bit nervous so it was probably a good thing he came out to help me get kick off the show.

It’s time to get the show going and as the host you have to start the show off so it’s usually good to have a few go to songs to get the crowd going.  A good KJ reads the audience’s mood as well as takes the vibe on the venue itself.  I’m fairly certain I kicked this show off with Jason Aldean’s “Hicktown”.  Not too well-known, but known enough and has some decent energy.  Also, it’s right in my range which isn’t that great.  I had kicked off the show and was watching the crowd and taking everyone’s requests.   Nothing unusual happening up to this point it’s just a typical show.  People want to sing “Summer Nights”, “Friends in Low Places”, “Sweet Caroline”, and  “You Never Even Called me by My Name”, etc.. Clichéd and overdone, but you just smile and tell them great job.  Keep the patrons happy so they come back and buy more food and drink.  The show was just getting going and something compelled me to look.  Not sure why I looked up at that moment but I’m sure happy that I did.  Out onto the patio walked this gorgeous brunette and my breath was instantly taken away.  She had the best smile I’d ever seen and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.  My heart was pounding out my chest.  Unfortunately, right behind her walked this tall lanky bald dude.  Oh man I thought.  She’s here with some guy.  I thought to myself, guess I’ll get back to running the show.  My hopes appeared crushed before they even had a chance to materialize.

I noticed the “couple” took a seat by Brian who was still there making sure I didn’t mess up the show.  The next thing I know she comes up on stage and hands me her song choice.  I think she smiled at me but I was too nervous to have known for sure.  I call a few other singers on stage and they do their thing. The show rolls along smoothly.  It’s finally time for the mystery girl to take the stage.  I look at the request slip and call Jennifer to the stage.  She comes up and you could tell right away she felt totally comfortable on stage.  She played to the crowd a little bit as I had turned around to start her song.  That is when magic happened.  That moment a singer transcends every other singer in the place.  I’ll never forget the 1st time I heard Jennifer sing.  It was as if an Angel was singing.  I was captivated and if I’m being real, I fell in love just a little bit right at that moment.  I told myself I had to talk to this girl and I didn’t care if she was with that skinny guy or not.  Later on Brian introduced us and we got a chance to talk.  Luckily for me the guy she was with was just a good friend.  Ironically he would end up being a groomsmen in our wedding.  In the days after I reached out to Jennifer through her MySpace account.  Kids at that time MySpace was the place to be.

Jennifer looking so gorgeous onstage.

Jennifer looking so gorgeous onstage.

Why was Jennifer even at this show?  What had brought her all the way from her south Austin house to this little restaurant in Round Rock?  For me it must have been divine intervention. She had recently moved to Austin from Carlsbad, CA and found Brian’s Diamond Karaoke company on MySpace.  Maybe I should’ve named this post “Thank God for MySpace, Karaoke and Brian.  Jennifer was looking to host a few shows to get to meet new people. Brian had asked her to come out and meet him at this show. Man, I must be the luckiest guy in the world for all of this to have happened.  I should also give a big Thank you to Brian for being the guy who brought the love of my life to me.  The rest is history.

Outside the Canary Roost one of our old Karaoke places.

Outside the Canary Roost one of our old Karaoke places.

Last night I asked Jennifer to go out and sing with me one more time before I start my chemo treatments.  It had been a long time since we both got a chance to do what had brought us together.  We ended up at The Canary Roost which was one of our old hangouts.  Jennifer and I even had our first kiss inside her Ford Mustang outside in their parking lot.  The only thing that would’ve have made it better was if Diamond Karaoke was hosting but alas no such luck.  It was still a great night and we had a blast.  I wish I had video of us singing “You and Tequilla” together as it was the best rendition we’d ever done.  No, the KJ didn’t just say that but we got some serious applause from the crowd.  I’ve included a couple of videos here today.  The sound quality isn’t the best but I hope you still enjoy.  Now you know why Karaoke will always hold a special place in my heart.


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