A Good Day

June 2, 2016: 

Welcome to another day in the fight.  This is day three of my Chemotherapy treatment for this cycle.  As of now I’m still doing really well.  My appetite hasn’t changed yet and no nausea either.  The only difference is my energy level has started to go down a lot earlier in the afternoon.  I have to slow myself down at times because my brain hasn’t quite decided that I’m sick.

A slight change in the normal routine today.  My Mom and Dad are joining me while I receive treatment.  Jennifer has to work today so she won’t be able to accompany me.  I’ll miss having her positive energy around me today, she is truly “my person” and I gain so much strength from her.  It will be nice having my parents today as you couldn’t ask for a better Mom and Dad.  My parents have always been there for me through every up and down I’ve been through in my life.

The room was especially cold today.

The room was especially cold today.

We arrive at the center today and the place feels different then my first couple of days.  Not sure if it’s because of the dreary weather but the room just has a dark ominous feel.  I hope it brightens up later today.  This is the first time I’ve had a sense of depression from the room. Luckily for me I have an awesome nurse.  Lindsey always greats me with a smile and has such a lovely presence about her.  I have a Dallas Cowboys t-shirt on today and the Lindsey tells me she won’t be able to by my nurse if I have it on.  We both laugh and so I ask her is she a dreaded Eagles or Packers fan?  No, she’s a huge New Orleans Saints fan.  I think we can find common ground.

I do have some great news to share with everyone.  I asked Lindsey if they had my blood test results from earlier in the week.  She came back to let me know that my tumor markers had dropped to 10!!  For perspective they were over 200 prior to surgery and down even further from 52 just the week prior.  That is awesome news they were already at 10 even before we started the chemotherapy treatment!  I have a long journey still in front of me but I have no doubt that I will defeat the Cancer!

5 thoughts on “A Good Day

  1. Joan Curry

    Such good news that your markers have gone down!
    Glad your Mom and Dad were with you today. Thanks for the daily picture that you post. Keep smiling and stay positive. We love you!


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